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Learn to Walk with God
in the Midst of Suffering

Image by Klara Kulikova
Senior Woman

About the Project

Does the regular practice of lament help people flourish?

How might the psalms of lament promote flourishing when dealing with chronic pain?


These are the kinds of questions that project leader Dr. Elizabeth Hall looks to answer with the Christian Pain study. Though generous funding from the Templeton World Charity Foundation, the first part of the project seeks participants who have recently experience chronic pain to engage in a 4 week guided practice of lament on their smart phone. 


Get Involved

What to expect

-A prescreening questionnaire to make sure this study is a good fit for you


-A pre-test to understand where you are are emotionally, spiritually, etc. This will take around an hour 


-4 weeks of daily engagement with the psalms of lament through an app called RealLife Exp. This should only take about 5 minutes per day and will only be on weekdays (20 days total)


-A post-test. This will take around 45 minutes and includes a $50 gift card as thanks


-An opportunity to volunteer for a post-program interview, with an additional $25 gift card as thanks

Participation Requirements

-18+ years old

-Located in the United States

-Speak fluent English

-Active Christian

-Experience chronic pain

-Access to a smartphone


Have questions? Fill out our contact form below.

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Project Leader

Dr. Elizabeth Hall

Dr. Hall is Professor at Rosemead School of Psychology, Biola University, where she teaches interdisciplinary courses on psychology and religion. Her current research focuses on Christian meaning-making in suffering, psychological perspectives on faith-science conflicts, and various topics in positive psychology.


See below for more information on her and her previous work on the topic of lament.

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If you need professional help or would like to speak to a counselor at any point during your participation in our study, please use the applicable resource:


To reach the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, call or text 988.
To find a Christian psychologist, visit

Get Involved

Want to participate in our study? The first step is to take the Prescreening Questionnaire to see if we're a good fit for each other.

Get in Touch

Have questions? Need help troubleshooting? Send us a message and we'll get in touch!

Thanks for submitting!

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